
Northgard sheepfold
Northgard sheepfold


Up to 6 players can play against each other at a time. The game creation screen is set up pretty much the same as single-player skirmish battles except for the addition of teams or free for all, public/invite-only and server type options.


Multiplayer, as of the base PS4 version, mostly consists of skirmish battles against other players. The amount of AI is dependent on the size of the map, the larger the map the more AI you can play against. There are advanced options you can choose from as well, including Map Type, Map Size, a domination only victory condition, and how many AI players you want. In Northgard mode you have the option of choosing the world hostility, Ragnarok doesn’t have this option, however. Northgard is the base way to play the game while Ragnarok emulates the end of the world and makes the world incredibly hostile by default. There are two main game modes in skirmish mode, Northgard, and Ragnarok. There’s a single-player skirmish mode that allows you to customize various parameters regarding the game in question. If you feel lost at any time, I highly recommend playing through it as it explains everything you need to know. It’s story mode acts as a tutorial to the game and teaches you the basics regarding the game’s many features. Much like any RTS game, Northgard has plenty of game modes for both single player and multiplayer. We’ll be getting into that shortly, and if you’d like to show your support to Odin, continue on with the review! A Fully Upgraded Sheep Clan Village Game Modes You aren’t rushing to build up a base and an army to swarm the enemy with. The game is an RTS game but it’s surprisingly relaxed compared to most in the genre.


Unfortunately, there’s no ETA on a PS4 release of their recent Conquests update but I’ll be keeping an eye out for a release date. Today I’ll be reviewing the PS4 version of the game which came with it’s 2 previous PC updates. I’m a big fan of Norse Mythology and I enjoy playing anything based on it. Northgard is a game that I’ve had my eye on since it first released on PC back in 2017.

Northgard sheepfold